The Army Of Two Saves Scituate

Not a lot of people know that Scituate was the target of a major British invasion in September of 1814 aimed at destroying the town. The reason that not a lot of people know about it is that the attack was turned back. They were met by a hastily assembled and unarmed American army. No damage was done to the town or her shipping, and John Bull ran off to have some tea and crumpets with his British tail between his legs. Pretty good story, right? It gets better. The "American army" mentioned above consisted of two teenage girls. Rebecca and Abigail Bates squared up with 200 British marines. If they lost, Scituate would have been razed, they most certainly would have been raped and perhaps even hung as spies. Naturally, when fighting 200 marines, the girls chose Fear as a weapon. Some background, if I may. The newly formed USA and th...