What Are Those Lines On The Marshes For?

Tackling the tough questions... Duxbury Beach If you should ever have cause to view Duxbury Beach from the sky, you'll notice something odd about her marshes. You'll see regular rivers, like the Cut River on the left in the photo above, and you will see her nameless tributaries. Another thing the map-reader will notice is that either someone carved a whole bunch of canals into that marsh, or that God briefly gave up on trying to make things look Random. Nothing in nature looks like that, and those lines actually involve someone trying to fight nature. Those lines are definitely man-made, and- no- they don't spell something if you turn the map sideways and look at it all cockeyed. I checked. It's not just Duxbury, either. I stole pictures from Fairhaven, Bridgewater, Brewster and Gloucester. I could have stolen them from Gloucester, North Carolina if I needed to, and I could probably find these lines in marshes all the way to Colombia. Brewster Colombia is mentioned ...