Cranberry Harvest, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, 10/23/23

It was a lovely day for a cranberry bog walk. I try to avoid pestering the workers as I pester the workers. The cranberry bog people supplement their income with some wind turbines. The bogs and turbines are on the Bourne/Plymouth town lines, I'm not sure which town I was in when I was shooting. Buzzards Bay is a village in Bourne, as well as a body of water. That's my man Big Jake, pullin' in the berries with a fat rake. This farm is actually rather massive, and they work sections of the bogs at a time. Our hosts today... This is a literal truckload of cranberries. From the bog to the truck to Ocean Spray... to you! Ocean Spray has a big processing plant in nearby Carver, Massachusetts. Video below, and sorry for the shaky...