Run To The Hills: The South Coast Sledding Guide

Pictures and video of our South Coast sledding rampage. That's South Coast, Massachusetts, player. If I had to go to war, I'd take one good sledder over 100 of those NASCAR folks driving circles in Alabama or wherever. This is Potato Hill in Westport. If you want to see a 250 pound 52 year old guy on a child's toy, look out below... Potato Hill is a popular spot with local sledders, but my kid had been pulled from school for a special sledding-related research project for a local media conglomerate, so we had the place to ourselves mostly. Potato Hill is a pretty steep climb if you smoke a pack a day or have the Covid or something. Next stop... the old Fairhaven Drive-In. We had to park sort of sketchy, but locals probably have a better plan for this than I did. Fairhaven has two hills, the closer one is less daunting, the farther one is steeper and has jumps. Pierce Playground, or Pierce Beach if you get going really fast and can't stop. Pierce Beach is in Somerset...