Surf Check, Cape Cod, 2/1/21


Nor'easter Tuesday, we got to the Outer Cape by daybreak.

It was low tide, but we'll be on the South Shore at high tide, so we went very early.

Very sloppy surf

Nauset Light Beach was fixing up their parking lot, and I was early, so we were among the only ones there.

Next stop...

Longnook Beach in Truro

It was very windy here, difficult to stand straight, and I'm not a small man. I'm sort of the high profile vehicle of the human race.

There was also a sandstorm, so I hid behind the dune

Same deal as Nauset, we were there at low tide.

Never been to this beach, though, so it was worth it.

Stacey wanted this beach so she could submit the photo to the Surf Forecast site. They were lacking a Longnook shot.

Next stop....

Sagamore Beach

I usually cheat here, taking one pic aimed at Plymouth and one aimed at Sandwich, then spam into those towns' FB pages. Not enough visibility for that today.

A few people have told me that this guy in the picture below needs to step up his Tree Removal game.

Next stop....South Shore, later today.


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