Surf Check: Dartmouth, Westport, Bourne, 9/30/20
No hurricanes offshore today, just a vicious SW wind that worked up the seas on the South Coast. We had to get up early, but we saw what there was to see.
Why not start in Westport. at Horseneck Beach?
With the exception of hurricanes, much of the South Coast gets rotten surf. Martha's Vineyard is a fine blocker. We go to Westport so much because Westport is the one exposed shoreline on the South Coast.
We were there around the 7:47 AM high tide, and the worse winds were a few hours earlier.
Nothing terrible, but there was a full moon and a big wind.
Westport is funny, in that they have beautiful shoreline frontage that is filled with mansions trailers and shabby cottages. You can't build real houses here... they tried. Hurricanes, when they come, wreck everything on East Beach Road or whatever they call this street.
With this C- of a storm washing waves into the houses, you can imagine what a 10 foot storm surge might do to the area.
I had a cool angle here, the curves of the beach protected me, so I was east of breaking surf while still on dry land.
We had to get over to Gooseberry before we bailed on Westport.
Westport is a great place to chase waves, as they have Horseneck, East Beach and Gooseberry all within a minute of each other.
By contrast, it took me 25 minutes to go just a short distance east to...
We explained our non-Westport wave antipathy earlier, but we do try to visit other towns along our route. This was Round Hill Beach. To be fair to Dartmouth, we were there about an hour after high tide.
Dartmouth is fun to go to after Westport and their trailer park, as people build mansions right on the water in Dartmouth. Sh*t, I had trouble getting to certain beaches because they were rich-people gated to keep away the rabble.
Dartmouth is still a wonderful place to visit, and I had the beach to myself. I was happy.
Then I get home to Buzzards Bay, and there's a damned tree down.
We had winds in the 45-50 mph range just before daybreak.
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