Surf Check: Nauset Beach


Hurricane Paulette is off in the North Atlantic, but the edge of her swell was touching the Outer Cape today. 

We went to Nauset Beach. We got there around high tide (10 AM and change), which is usually ideal... unless the better waves were overnight. Lifeguard stands which have been put away for the season depress me.

Nothing terrible coming in today, although that could have been a different story if Paulette didn't curve out to sea.

Although a drive to the Outer Cape is never wasted, especially if you get the last crack at the tourist shops. Mid-September is pushing it, but most stuff was still open, even on a Tuesday.

It was sort of chilly at the beach, 60s with an east wind. As someone who frequently gets soaked doing this job in February, I appreciate sunny September storm chasing. I even thought of dropping the camera and jumping in.

OK, scratch that. We actually saw a seal right when we got there, but he sounded before I could get the camera on his ass.

Once Surf Check starts taking pics of non-Surf Check stuff, it's time to bail.


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