South Coast Surf Check, 1/17/21

A steady SW wind brought some surf to the South Coast.


The best gust we saw was 38 mph.

We started in Westport, at Gooseberry.

According to our wave sites, it was our best bet to see surf. The sites were correct.

We did catch some surfers (see below)

We decided to head east, see how the surf faded as we moved up Buzzards Bay.

We headed down Sconticut Neck in Fairhaven. We were seeking SW-facing beaches that stuck out into Buzzards Bay a bit.

Fairhaven is two towns over from Westport, but the surf was noticeably weaker.

Westport had 20-25mph winds with gusts near 40... Fairhaven had 10 mph winds, few higher gusts.

We have no problem at all spamming this article into New Bedford FB groups based on this distant shot across the bay at some old factory.

We kept moving east, our next stop was...


Marion was even more quiet than Fairhaven.

This was Point Road, near something like the Kittanset golf course.

Next stop, further east, Wareham.

Little Harbor Beach had hardly any surf at all. They had more than Buttermilk Bay (below), which is at the end of Buzzards Bay (body of water) in the village of Buzzards Bay (village) in the town of Bourne.



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