Surf Check, South Shore

We did a coastal cruise Tuesday, checking out some waves.

We started in Sagamore Beach, well before high tide.

Saggy wasn't that bad.

Next stop... Hull.

We were at Nantasket Beach for high tide.


The problem with Hull is that you have to travel some distance off the highway to get to it. We got a late jump from the Cape and only had time to hit one more spot before darkness. We chose Duxbury, mostly to see if the new seawall was getting a test. The waves weren't that bad, though...

The ocean was very much unconcerned with the Georgia runoff elections.

Only people from Duxbury Beach or Green Harbor who spam for a living will understand the joy I feel using this picture to spam this article into Marshfield town Facebook groups. Marshfield is the dark smudge above the water in that shot. To be fair, seasoned Marsh Vegas residents can look at a shot of Duxbury Beach and have a pretty good idea how, say, Ocean Bluff looks.

The seawall opening in the new Duxbury wall is still sealed off in the Old School manner every winter.

We finished off at Minervas in Fairhaven, facing New Bedford. We also finished off on Wednesday, after we decided to skip the Outer Cape part of this article. I may be wrong, but I believe that Fairhaven is the only Minervas left since Wareham and Cedarville closed. Buzzards Bay House Of Pizza is a Minervas offshoot, but the last one with the name is in Fuh-haven.


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