Our goal today is to rank South Shore beaches by their vulnerability to coastal storms. Keep in mind that most of the storms we get around here are nor'easters. If we worked hurrciane damage into this list, it would significantly alter the ratings, putting places like Cape Cod and New Bedford into the top of the mix while kicking Marshfield and Scituate way down the list. We are going to mix the rubric in with the rankings, rather than explain it here. We'd be here all day, trust me. We're not claiming the state title. The North Shore has her own problems. We're just leaving that for some North Shore writer to figure out. Cape Cod also is in a class by herself, in that they get far worse hurricane damage than the South Shore gets nor'easter damage. They also get larger waves from storms than the South Shore gets. Their problem is that hurricanes don't happen that often here in Massachusetts. We are using town-by-town rankings. Ideally, we would rank this categ...
Pictures and video of our South Coast sledding rampage. That's South Coast, Massachusetts, player. If I had to go to war, I'd take one good sledder over 100 of those NASCAR folks driving circles in Alabama or wherever. This is Potato Hill in Westport. If you want to see a 250 pound 52 year old guy on a child's toy, look out below... Potato Hill is a popular spot with local sledders, but my kid had been pulled from school for a special sledding-related research project for a local media conglomerate, so we had the place to ourselves mostly. Potato Hill is a pretty steep climb if you smoke a pack a day or have the Covid or something. Next stop... the old Fairhaven Drive-In. We had to park sort of sketchy, but locals probably have a better plan for this than I did. Fairhaven has two hills, the closer one is less daunting, the farther one is steeper and has jumps. Pierce Playground, or Pierce Beach if you get going really fast and can't stop. Pierce Beach is in Somerset...
A 3.6 Richter scale earthquake (downgraded from the original 4.0 designation) just hit in Buzzards Bay. We mean the body of water, not the village. It lasted 3-5 seconds, and I have reports of people feeling it from Pembroke to Westport. No tsunami warning is in effect, I don't think it was that big, It appears to be right off Westport/Dartmouth. 9 km SSW of Bliss Corner . Earthquakes happen a lot in New England, but they are generally very small, and it is rare to feel one. We don't live on any San Andreas Fault stuff. If a tsunami came, it would probably be smll enough that a well-built sandcastle could shake it off. No reports of damage. We'll be back with an update if needed.
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